Wednesday, April 26, 2017

.NET Literacy Day 2: More GitHub fun

Time does like to slip by, doesn't it? One quick media project for the swim team and suddenly its Wednesday. Tonight I started by trying to clone my Vidly repo, which I had deleted from my local hard drive (intentionally).

Linking Directly to Revisions

Last time, I was considering the best way to create and link to projects and I discovered (thankfully) that I am able to link to specific revisions in GitHub. I decided to reset my local folder structure, but had to stop before I finished. 

GitHub Desktop

After adding Vidly to GitHub Desktop
In my (admittedly few) previous dealings with GitHub, I would always clone by downloading a zipfile, then unpacking it where I wanted it. This time I decided to download the GitHub desktop and see what it is all about. 

The interface is very sparse, especially when compared to SourceTree. (SourceTree is the Atlassian desktop product for their Git eco-system, which includes their cloud source hosting environment BitBucket.)

I provided my GitHub credentials to GitHub Desktop and saw a few of my repos right away. I'm pretty sure it found them in a default folder on my local machine. Vidly wasn't there, of course, so I popped back over to the GitHub site to get the URL, and added it to GitHub Desktop. From there, cloning the repo locally was easy.

Git Solution Cloning Fallout...

Back in Visual Studio, Team Explorer, I was able to add the local Git repo using the repo URL that I copied from the GitHub site.

From there, I attempted to open Vidly, but Visual Studio complained that a number of components were missing. Fortunately, VS facilitated installation. After that was done, the project itself couldn't find its own files. I needed to edit the Vidly.sln to correct the path since I cloned into a different repository.

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