Sunday, April 23, 2017

.NET Literacy Day 1: Vidly

The Course Project "Vidly" on GitHub

I made it through the first five videos in the The Complete ASP.NET MVC 5 Course, and even followed along building the shell of the Vidly app that we will be working on for this course. (I ended up spending the bulk of my time configuring Git, which I detailed in a separate blog.)

To introduce us to the course, instructor Mosh set up a video store app that he called "Vidly". It will have a login wrapper with two security levels, a paginated/sortable/searchable list of customers. We will be able to add/delete customers and edit the list of movies based on security level.

With pageant running, I was able to use TortoiseGit to push my local project up to BitBucket.

Here is check-in number 1

It is nothing to look at, really. It is just a simple MVC app with one object that has two properties. I'll go into the actual course material in tomorrow's post.

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